Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Once again

the dinosaur's life is not going quite as planned.

I don't know why this surprises me, nothing ever goes to plan but there are limits.

I've always told myself I wont let my shoulder dictate my life, I try and get on with stuff. This seems a bit a daft, I know, but it's how I go about attempting to keep myself sane - or at least feeling sane. Normality would be nice, but it's impossible, so instead I attempt to create the illusion of normality - especially when it comes to those who don't know me.

I don't want people to know the full extent of my nerve condition. It only comes with sympathy or disbelief, and these two things have a nasty habit of making me dissolve into a self pitying mass of ick.

This comes with a problem. Particularly when it comes to my university. I miss lectures, inevitably. Some mornings I cannot get myself out of bed, other mornings I get myself out of bed but am unable to remove my t-shirt which I have been wearing for a prolongued period of time. Some mornings showering is too painful - I refuse to go into university smelling like decomposing human i.e. first year student. I am not a first year. I REFUSE to do it to myself, or indeed those around me.

I have been kicked off my module - due to lack of attendance. My lecturer does not understand my nerve condition because a) I look normal, well, when it comes to my shoulder - I do not look physically fucking disabled, b) he thinks I'm a lazy shite - well, I am a student but that's irrelevant and c) I am not willing to explain to him that I am unable to function like a normal human being because I know full well he wouldn't take me seriously. It sounds fucking made up. And I wish it was.

My lecturer is currently experiencing my very rare dinosaur wrath. I am refusing to allow him to kick me off this module. I have done the fucking work. Nearly. It's so nearly done. My deadline isn't for another six weeks. However, not allowing him to kick me off this module is proving diffucult. I keep emailing the bastard - he is very rude and does not reply. So I email him again. And again. I have emailed my course leader - who isn't quite so rude, but she is very unhelpful. I have demanded a meeting with the guy. BUT. He's not replied. And it will mean I have to get to the theatre - this is something that cannot be planned in advance due to my gashy shoulder. Ironic much.

In conclusion. I am fucked.

That is all.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Facebook groups.

On a whole, annoy the living poop out of me.

Admitedly, the ocassional few make me chuckle, so I can admit to having jonied a few. I believe I am in a group full of members who appreciate dinosaurs, or at least claim to appreciate dinosaurs - that's good enough for me. I am in groups relevant to my current location, I am in a few groups which come with a clever title which holds a nice amount of truth. And yes, I am also in a few groups which are completely fucking pointless but make me giggle nonetheless.

So, where is this going I hear you ask - the answer is this - to those people who feel the need to invite me to every single bloody group they join themselves. It's funny, these people wont have spoken to me in months or years and probably have no idea who I actually am, let alone what the hell interests or amuses me, but still they assume I will want to join a group - they assume I give a shit about stuff which really I don't care about one teensie little bit.

I mean seriously, do I really want to join a group about a University that I don't even go to? Or about a TV programme I didn't know existed? Or even better about a TV programme I wish didn't exist. "I love Dundee" - I've never been, I wouldn't know, therefore I'm not going to join. "Team Edward" - Fuck off, I'm already in an anti-Twilight group - hint? Apparently not. "Facebook Rots my Brain" - No it doesn't! Your stupidity does! Gah.

Another good one, is when you're invited to a group about a terrible event or someting that's happened and people join because they think it's terrible, and the title of the group will be something along the lines of, "Stop TERRIBLE EVENT from happening, by joining this group!" No. Joining that fucking group is pointless. Joining a group changes nothing, except encourages people to sit on their arses all day thinking they're making the world a better place. I might give a shit, I might care somewhat about the terrible thing that's happened, but if I really cared that much I'd get off facebook and go do something about it.

Now, I don't mind the ocassional invite from the ocassional person every now and then because they genuinely think I might want to join a group. That's cool with me. I'll get over your poor judgement, or just laugh and go, "Hah, why the hell would I join a group about that?" but odds are, if you think I'll want to join, I probably will. The key word here people is "think". Please do before inviting me to join a group.

Two people on facebook are the cause of this blog entry. Those two people got a rather snotty email from me this morning. This brought some amusement to my day.